Life and Space 2024, Conference 

December 5-8, 2024 

form: remote/online 

Paragraph 1 


  1. Life and Space 2023 Conference (hereinafter: the Conference) is organized by Polish Astrobiology Society (hereinafter: the Organizer) based in Warsaw (02-093), at Pasteura Street, building number 1 in Poland, entered into the National Court Register kept by the Warsaw District Court – 5th Commercial Division of the National Court Register, under the KRS: 0000922457 with the following IDs: NIP: 7011055422, REGON: 52020948200000 
  2. Contact details for the Organizer: 

for speakers- active participants (authors of speeches, posters, and workshops):  

for other attendees – listeners (so-called passive participants):  

Conference fee queries: e-mail:

  1. The Conference is addressed to everyone interested in the astrobiology related topics All information regarding the Conference is available at: 
  2. The Conference program is available at: 

Paragraph 2 


  1. The condition for participation in the Conference is online registration, acceptance of the provisions of these Regulations (hereinafter: Regulations) and payment of the conference fee (hereinafter: Conference fee), referred to in §3 of these Regulations. Information on registration is available at: 
  2. Persons who register for the Conference and pay the Conference fee will be given the status of Conference Participant (hereinafter: Participant)

  1. Conference Participant: 

  • has access to all lectures, seminars and panel sessions; 
  • has the ability to ask questions via the chat available on the platform; 
  • has access to recorded panel and poster sessions during conference. The materials will be made available to the Participant within month from the end of the Conference; 
  • has access to online poster sessions. 

  1. The Conference will be held remotely via an internet platform. 
  2. Registration, browsing the Conference website and participation in the Conference will require an internet connection. 
  3. Registered Participants, no later than the day before the Conference, i.e. on December 4, 2024, will receive an e-mail with instructions to log onto the Conference panel on an internet platform. providing audio and video transmission and the possibility to ask questions in the form of a text chat during panel sessions. Presenters will answer questions selected by the moderator. 
  4. Access instructions may only be used by the Participant and may not be passed on to third parties. 
  5. The Participant agrees for audio, photo and video recordings as well as screenshots to be made during the Conference including the Participant. The Organizer has the right to use screenshots, photographs and recordings with the Participant’s image for marketing and promotional purposes in the context of the Conference. 
  6. Any Participant who does not agree to the publication of a photo, a fragment of a video showing only his/her image, is asked to send such information to the e-mail address indicated on behalf of the Organizer. 
  7. The Participant is obliged to participate in the Conference in a way that does not hinder or disrupt the course of the Conference and to not undertake any actions that are inconsistent with the provisions of generally applicable law or good manners, as well as actions that violate the personal rights of other Participants, third parties and the Organizer. 
  8. The Organizer may ask the Participants for their general opinion and level of satisfaction with the Conference, including the manner of its organization. Participants’ opinions may be collected in the form of an electronic survey. 
  9. The Organizer may keep and publish statistics on the Conference. 
  10. The Organizer has the right to expand the properties and functionalities of the Conference at their own discretion. Such changes will not lead to a reduction in the quality of the Conference. 

Paragraph 3 


1. Participation in the Conference is payable by portal provided by hosting. All information regarding 

the Conference fee is available at:

2. Payment of the appropriate Conference fee entitles the Participant to receive an access link to participate in the Conference remotely. 

3. The Organizer can issue an accounting document confirming payment of the Conference fee. The condition for obtaining such an accounting document is to provide the payer’s data, such as: name, address, tax identification number. If the Participant is reported by an institution (hereinafter: the Buyer), such a document will be issued by the Organizer only if the fee is paid from the bank account of the reporting institution (Buyer). 

4. The Participant undertakes to use true, i.e. factual and legal data, including personal data, for 

which they have the full rights of use. 

5. The Conference fee may be reimbursed when the Participant cancels their participation in the Conference by December 4, 2024. For this purpose, the Participant is obliged to send an appropriate statement to the e-mail address indicated in these regulations. In this case, the Organizer will accept the resignation, and the Conference fee will be refunded by bank transfer within 14 days to the account from which the payment was made. Cancellation of participation after December 4, 2024 exempts the Organizer from the obligation to refund the Conference fee. 

6. The Participant who paid the Conference fee, but did not participate in the Conference and did not inform the Organizer about this fact, will not be reimbursed. 

7. If you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. 

Paragraph 4 


1. Each Participant of the Conference will receive a personal certificate of participation after the end 

of the Conference. 

2. Certificates will be sent to Participants to the e-mail addresses provided during registration. 

Paragraph 5

1. The Organizer is the administrator of personal data. 

2. The Participant who registers to the Conference agrees to the processing of the personal data 

provided by the Organizer for communication purposes, including the presentation of the Organiser’s offer. 

3. Pursuant to Art. 13 sec. 1 and sec. 2 of the general regulation on the protection of personal data 

of 27 April 2016, the Organizer declares that: 

4. personal data will be processed for organizational and communication purposes related to the Conference pursuant to art. 6 sec. 1 point a of the regulation referred to in sec. 3 of this paragraph; 

5. providing personal data is voluntary, but necessary for the purposes of registering the Participant, enabling contact as well as preparing and delivering a certificate of participation in the Conference to the Participant; 

6. personal data will be stored until the consent to their processing is withdrawn; 

7. The Participant has the right to access their data and the right to rectify, delete, limit processing, the right to transfer data, the right to object, the right to withdraw consent at any time without affecting the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal; 

8. The Participant has the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory body if he or she considers that the processing of their personal data violates the provisions. The Organizer reserves the right to share personal data with entities authorized under the applicable law: law enforcement authorities, offices, courts or other entities authorized to such disclosure on the basis of legal provisions to the extent and for the purpose required by these entities and by law.

Paragraph 6

1. The Organizer is not responsible for: 

  • incorrect data entered by the Participant during registration for the Conference; 
  • lack of internet access at the disposal of the Participant, preventing the Participant from 
  • registering and participating in the Conference or limiting its availability; 
  • losses suffered and profits lost by the Participant, the Buyer or third parties, which were caused by providing false data by the person who registered; 
  • damage suffered and profits lost by the Participant, the Buyer or third parties, which were caused by the actions or omissions of third parties, over which the Organizer had no influence; losses suffered and profits lost by the Participant, the Buyer or third parties, which were caused by the cancellation of the Conference by the Organizer as a result of force majeure (random events beyond the control of the Organizer). 

Paragraph 7

  1. The name, titles and program of the Conference, including the website, layout, logos, graphics, photos, audio and video files used to promote the Conference belong to the Organizer or a third party (if so marked) and are legally protected. 
  2. Specified in sec. 1 of this paragraph, the materials may not be used without the written consent of the Organizer or a third party who is the owner of the rights, in particular, they may not be used in connection with third party products or services in a way that may mislead the Organizer’s potential customers or otherwise harm the Organizer. 
  3. Recording and photographing of the Conference, as well as sharing such recordings or photos is illegal and is subject to criminal liability pursuant to the Act of February 4, 1994 on copyright and related rights. 
  4. The participant or any third party may not remove, cover, prevent reading or alter trademarks, copyright information or other proprietary notices contained in any materials related to the Conference. 

Paragraph 8

  1. The Conference Regulations are published at: The organizer reserves the right to make changes to the Regulations. 
  2. Each new version of the Regulations applies to persons who have not signed up for the  Conference yet and to Participants who have accepted the new Regulations. 
  3. The Organizer reserves the right to change the Conference program, as well as to cancel it in the event of random events beyond the control of the Organizer. In the event of cancellation of the Conference, information about this fact will be communicated to the registered Participants, and participation fees will be refunded by bank transfer. 
  4. In matters not covered by the Regulations, the relevant provisions of Polish law shall apply. 
  5. In the event of a change or annulment of any of the provisions of the Regulations as a result of a 

final court decision, its remaining provisions shall remain in force. 

  1. Any disputes between the Organizer and Participants, third parties and Buyers will be settled first amicably, and then by the court competent for the seat of the Organizer. 
  2. The Regulations shall apply from October 1, 2024.