Presented Talks

Strona Polskiego Towarzystwa Astrobiologicznego.

Here you'll find short descriptions of the talks given during Life and Space 2022 Confereence

Planetary Science

In this research we analyzed distribution of features with unknown origin – low elevation mounds. The structures resemble pingos or mud volcanoes, which both require the presence of water/ice.

We test the depth to which impact craters can be eroded using numerical modeling, examining the gravity profile, and measuring the physical properties of samples from the Vredefort impact structure.

Venus’ sulfuric acid clouds haven’t been a likely habitability research topic, but interest has grown in recent years. The proposed TOPS instrument measures cloud droplet acidity.


I discuss the possibility of detecting technosignatures that could arise from planets with elevated levels of chlorofluorocarbons and other pollutants with current and planned observatories.

The Innspace Team developed the plan for a complete rover mission to Mars, winning the second prize in the Telerobotic Mars Expedition Design Competition organized by the Mars Society.

We present the results of an experiment during which we made multispectral images of Micrococcus sp. cells escaping water in the bubble scrubbing process in vacuum, which probably occurs on Enceladus.

ALFA Mars presents a way how for a little additional cost to planned missions determine if Mars hosts active biosphere before humans arrive. Our search is agnostic to Martian biochemistry and ecology.


Limits to Life here on Earth and beyond? Salt-loving microbes, Haloarchaea (polyextremophiles) survive and thrive in environments with extremes of salinity, desiccation, temperature, pH & radiation.

L-asparaginases are potent antileukemics causing severe side effects. In this work examination of extremophilic enzymes is carried out in search of novel therapeutics.

Simulation of the molecular dynamics of a system containing hydroxyectoine / ectoine molecules covering the cell membrane of red algae Cyanidioschyzon merolae.

Modeling DNA acquisition within an extremophilic microbial community, with a focus on Cyanidiophyceaen red algae.

Origin of Life and Evolution

Here I present the results of research on the amyloidogenic properties of a number of synthetic peptides, containing the amyloidogenic insulin domain and a lysine tail of various lengths.

We have detected what appear to be the fossil signatures of primordial repeat proteins in modern proteins which have gone unrecognized despite their structures being known for 2 decades.

Life in the universe needs certain conditions and biogenic elements to arise. One of them is phosphorus – an element of nucleic acids. What is its origin and how it was incorporated into DNA?

Astrochemistry and detection of organic molecules

There are many complex organic molecules in space – some of them we’re aware of and some of them are yet to be found. How can we utilize AI to our advantage in this task?

We present a model of the interstellar chemistry that aims to explain how P-bearing simple molecules are formed in the ISM, focusing on the rate coefficients of the chemical reactions involved.

Artificial Intelligence and the search for life

Methods for developing artificial intelligence pipelines that can aid scientists and engineers in more efficiently exploring the universe.

We propose a deep learning based volcanic cave biomarker detection and training method that can be used for autonomous robot and explain imagery sensor selection method for this pipeline.


Thermal gradients drive selective accumulation of ions, thereby actively altering the Mg:Na ratio and enabling ribozyme function. Acid-dissolved Apatite is fractionated, yielding free phosphate.

By demonstrating the differences in photostability of two prebiotically plausible isomers of adenosine, I will approach the question whether UV light could be a selection factor for early nucleosides.

Comparison of phase-separating modern intrinsically disordered proteins with primitive disordered proteins/peptides on the basis of amino acid composition and length.

The development of autocatalytic cycles is important to the emergence of life. We conducted an experiment with prebiotic soups attempting to select for autocatalysis with multiple serial transfers.


In the quest to engineer synthetic living systems, we seek to expand that sample size, enabling investigation of general properties of life in the lineage agnostic, synthetic organisms.

Bottom-up reconstitution of an integrated divisome able to both constrict and fully divide liposomes for the purpose of building synthetic cells.

Extraterrestrial Habitation

Advanced technologies must be developed to take full advantage of mission supplies & resources. Strategic application of biomanufacturing will de-risk & expand crewed Space-exploration capabilities.

The biofabrication strategy for stabilizing regolith using mycelium. In situ grown, regolith-based biocomposites are aleatorily assembled and perform biowelding, creating protective habitat shell.

The paper shows study conducted as part of the PhD Thesis regarding fertilizer production and plants cultivation in space.

Testing new substrates for the food production in space.


Radiation adaptive response as a solution for radiation response in manned space missions is discussed. Additionally, the astronauts’ examination of individual radiosensitivity is presented.

Space radiation is a serious health hazard for astronauts and might cause pathologies such as nephropathy and renal cell carcinoma, subjects of this presentation along with therapeutic strategies.

Space and Humanities

This paper aims to analyse the existing legal regulations in the world under which suborbital flights can conduct.

I will consider the philosophy of astrobiology and astrobiophilosophy. I will propose a model for relationship between astrobiology and astrobiophilosophy.


Speculative evolution is an artistic movement that hypotheses the evolution of life. Although characterized as fiction and entertainment, it has the prospect to become a useful educational tool.

We designed objects that represent humanity for future non-human visitors and tested them in classroom settings.

It is important for us to give a chance for school youth to understand their place in the Universe and the role they can play in history. That is why we undertook a novel approach in space education.

Based on a survey and interviews, we show to what extent high-risk research (that significantly deviates from scientific mainstreams) contribute to breakthroughs in astrobiology.

The latest technologies and techniques used in amateur astro imagining as well as emerging opportunities in amateur astronomy and citizen science.

This work tries to brief about the learnings from the SSF as a model that can be incorporated into the current education system to ensure greater engagement from citizens in space education.

The need for science communication is well-researched and well-respected by most scientists. There has yet to be a widespread movement of implementing dedicated science communicators in science teams.