Life and Space 2023

Strona Polskiego Towarzystwa Astrobiologicznego.



Cost: $9


We are pleased to invite you to the 3rd edition of the Life and Space Conference organized by the Polish Astrobiology Society.


Conference has ended! Thank you all for participation!

Here you can find the agenda with abstracts and of the talks presented during LAS23.

Check out the Conference playlist mixed by our onboard DJ!

Meet our Gests!

Session Topics

Planetary Science

Biosignatures and search for life


Origin of Life and Evolution

Space Education

Astrochemistry and detection of organic molecules

Space architecture and extreterrestial habitation

Space missions analogs

Prebiotic Chemistry

Synthetic Biology

Space Medicine

Space Humanities

Computational Astrobiology

Partnering Institutions

Patrons of Life and Space 2023 Conference

Please check the page of the last year edition and recorded prelections

Life And Space 2023 Conference Regulations