Spread the word!

Help us organize The Best Conference in this part of the Galaxy!

This is how you can get involved:

I. way:

Send an e-mail about LAS 2022 to all your colleagues.
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II. way:

Share our Facebook event on you page:

III. way:

Simply tell your friends that you found this amazing conference!

Remember to mention:
– 2-4 December 2022
– Held online
– Low (extremely!) registration fee

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Fellow Scientists and Science Enthusiasts! 


Polish Astrobiology Society is pleased to announce that between 2-4 of December 2022 we will meet during next Life and Space Conference! This year we will cover multiple topics form the broad spectrum of Astrobiology including: Prebiotic Chemistry, Alternative Biochemistry, Planetary Sciences, Education and more!
To ensure easy access and make this conference affordable for students, Life and Space will be held online. 


Right now, we opened first stage of registration for active participants. Registration for audience will be open in November.

For detailed information and to stay in touch, please check our website -> https://astrobio.pl/las2022/


We also encourage you to indicate your willingness to participate in our event on Facebook and share this event -> https://www.facebook.com/events/1426832031145084

Share this information with your colleagues and friends